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Source Material: Bob James – “Nautilus”


Bob James is a jazz keyboardist and arranger from Marshall, Missouri.  He was discovered by Quincy Jones in 1963 during a band competition at the Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival.  Later that year, James recorded his first solo album, Bold Conceptions, for Mercury Records.  The album was produced by Quincy Jones and featured a free jazz style from James that differed from his style in later years.  For the remainder of the ’60s, James primarily worked as an arranger and he was the piano accompanist for Sarah Vaughn.

In the ’70s, James started working closely with Creed Taylor, producer and founder of CTI Records, a jazz label based in New York City.  At CTI, James worked as a producer, arranger, and studio musician.   His work with Taylor led to James recording his third album, One (1974). This album featured “Nautilus,” a song that became a staple in hip hop history.   “Nautilus” is one of the most sampled tracks ever. It’s the source material for over 200 hundred songs like: Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story,” Eric B. & Rakim’s “Follow The Leader,” and The Main Source’s “Live At The Barbecue.”

Bob James – “Nautilus”

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